Schlaf als vergessener Schlüssel zur Langlebigkeit, Blaue Zonen als Altershochburgen, Fasten als Perspektive für ein langes Leben...
Hier findest du alle Magazin-Beiträge zum Thema Longevity.
Anti-aging and the Horvath clock – How old am I really?
Imagine having a watch that can measure the age of almost every cell in your body with astonishing accuracy. What...
LDL, ApoB, HDL, cholesterol – the guide to blood lipid levels
Laboratory testing of blood lipid levels is part of routine tests in the practice. LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol are...
What is epigenetics?
Maybe you have heard about the epigenetics or you've seen the Netflix series about the twin experiment. Whatever the case,...
What is Proteomics?
The proteomics is still a relatively new field of research that the totality of all proteins (proteome) and try to...
Inflammation and Longevity – What you should know about Inflammaging
Everyone knows it and has been affected by it at some point: inflammation. It takes place in our body and...
What is Longevity Hacking?
Regardless of whether you have been reading our blog for a long time or are completely new to it: in...
Sleep – forgotten key to longevity
We all know what it's like: the day was exhausting and you're just tired and want to go to bed....
Blood sugar levels – why they are important for a long life
The blood sugar levels belong – as well as the blood lipids – to the routine values on the laboratory...
What are sirtuins?
The Sirtuins are a group of 7 proteins, which have been the focus of longevity for some time. They influence...