Hallmarks of Aging
Welche nicht sichtbaren Veränderungen passieren im Körper, wenn wir älter werden? Was sind die Gründe für Falten, grauen Star oder Bluthochdruck? Wir schauen uns in der Serie „Hallmarks of Aging“ die zwölf molekularen Kennzeichen des Alterns an: molekular, tiefgründig, verständlich.
12. Hallmark of Aging: Altered autophagy
Altered (macro-) autophagy or something more descriptive altered cellular waste disposal is the twelfth and final Hallmark of Aging. Among...
11. Hallmark of Aging: Dysbiosis
For several years now, the microbiome increasingly at the centre of public interest. The billions of bacteria, that live in...
10. Hallmark of Aging: Inflammaging
The so-called inflammatory aging (English) inflammaging) is one of the Hallmarks of Aging and is one of the most prominent...
9. Hallmark of Aging: Altered intercellular communication
Cells communicate with each other in the form of so-called messenger substancesIn the brain, this can be dopamine, GABA or...
8. Hallmark of Aging: Stem Cell Depletion
Stem cells are cells which show little to no differentiationIf we translate this somewhat dry, scientific formulation, we recognize the...
7. Hallmark of Aging: Cellular Senescence
Just take a break - relax. We humans like to do that. One might even be inclined to say that...
6. Hallmark of Aging: Mitochondrial Dysfunction & Mitohormesis
The mitochondrial dysfunction is a central point in aging research. Often referred to as the “powerhouses of the cells”, the...
5. Hallmark of Aging: Deregulated nutrient measurement
In this text about the deregulated nutrient measurement As the fifth hallmark of aging, we need to delve a little...
4. Hallmark of Aging: Loss of proteostasis
All cells use a variety of quality control mechanisms to ensure the functionality and stability of their respective protein diversity....