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MCT oil

MCT oil

Medium-chain triglyceride oil (MCT oil) is a type of dietary supplement rich in medium-chain triglycerides. This is a type of fat that is considered healthier than other types of fat due to its shorter length. Triglycerides are the main components of body fat in humans and other animals, as well as vegetable fat. They are also present in the bloodstream to enable the opposite transfer of fat and blood sugar from the liver.

What is MCT oil?

Medium chain triglycerides are so named because they contain between 6 and 12 carbon atoms, which is considered the “medium” length for a fatty acid . The four types of MCTs are:

  • caproic acid,
  • Caprylic acid,
  • Capric acid,
  • and lauric acid

MCT oil is typically produced through a process called fractionation, where the MCTs are extracted and isolated from coconut or palm oil. MCT oils are beneficial because they are quickly absorbed and metabolized in the liver, resulting in quick and sustained energy supply . For this reason, MCT oil is very popular among athletes.

The human body can convert MCTs into ketones, which provide a fat-based energy source for the body when carbohydrate intake is low. Some of the health benefits of MCT oil below are due to this metabolic mechanism. In addition, MCT oil is very popular in ketogenic diets due to  as they can be converted into ketones, which are an alternative source of energy for the brain.

It is also often used in high-quality dietary supplements as a carrier substance for fat-soluble molecules. This is the case, for example, with our vitamin D3/K2 .

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What does MCT oil contain?

MCT oil is mainly found in coconut oil and palm kernel oil, smaller amounts can also be found in butter and other high-fat dairy products from cows and goats. To make MCT oil as a dietary supplement, these sources are processed to concentrate the MCTs.

Coconut oil is one of the richest natural sources of MCTs, with approximately 54% of the fat consisting of MCTs. However, it is worth noting that Most of the MCTs in coconut oil come from lauric acid (C12), which some claim is not a “real” MCT as the body treats it more like one long-chain fatty acids are metabolized.

Pure MCT oil itself does not occur in nature, but is manufactured to provide a concentrated source of these medium chain triglycerides. MCT oil is not only used as a dietary supplement, but also often in salad dressings, smoothies or coffee as a source of healthy fats  inserted. It is also used in certain medical conditions that require highly absorbable and metabolizable forms of fat, such as malabsorption syndromes.

What benefits does MCT oil offer the human body?

Reduction in calorie intake

A 2021 meta-analysis examined how consumption of MCTs compared to consumption of long-chain triglycerides (LCTs) affects energy intake, appetite perception, and appetite-related hormones. Analysis of 17 studies involving 291 participants found that both short- and long-term consumption of MCT resulted in a moderate decrease in energy intake compared to LCT under laboratory conditions. This reduction was statistically significant. However, there was no significant evidence that MCTs affected subjective ratings of appetite or circulating hormones related to appetite. Although MCTs result in lower energy intake, the mechanism behind this effect is not clear and further research is needed.


It has been demonstrated that fasting-induced ketone production can reduce the frequency of epileptic seizures.  Because MCTs are converted into ketones, they may be valuable in treating epilepsy. Actually have

A study showed that MCTs, which also provide auxiliary energy to the brain, reduce seizure frequency in rodent models, dogs and humans with epilepsy can. MCTs, particularly containing octanoic and decanoic acid, are well tolerated by 65% ​​of people and show promising results as adjunct to standard pharmacological treatment of epilepsy. Central nervous system side effects, which are common with current antiepileptic drugs, did not occur with MCT oil. The study concludes with a call for larger clinical trials to determine the ideal composition and dosage of MCTs and the types of epilepsy that respond best to them.


A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover study examined the effects of medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) on the cognitive abilities of patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease (AD). The study involved 53 patients who received MCT or a placebo (canola oil) for 30 days, followed by the other treatment.

The results showed a significant reduction in ADAS-Cog-C scores (parameters used to measure cognitive abilities) in the patients who took MCT compared to placebo. This suggests that MCT had a positive effect on the cognitive abilities of these patients. However, no significant differences were found in ADL scores, which measure self-care skills.

MCT Oil & Longevity

There are some studies that suggest MCT oil may have positive effects on longevity. Some of these benefits could include:

  1. Weight loss and weight management: MCT oil can increase satiety and boost metabolism, which can contribute to weight loss. Maintaining a healthy weight is an important factor in longevity.

  2. Heart Health: MCT oil may help reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol and reducing inflammation.

  3. Energy and endurance: Because MCT oil is quickly converted into energy by the body, it can improve physical performance and endurance.

  4. Brain Health: MCT oil can support brain health by providing ketones, an important source of energy for the brain. This could help preserve cognitive function and prevent neurodegenerative diseases.


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