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How can I take carnosine?
Magazin Moleküle

How can I take carnosine?

Carno- how? Do experts in chemistry and pharmacy always have to come up with such strange terms? In this case, however, it is worth learning the three syllables by heart . Carnosine is considered an anti-aging agent, longevity substance and a performance-enhancing vital substance in the sports scene. But that's not all. Due to its antioxidant, protective, chelating and antiglycating activity, carnosine is used as a dietary supplement to prevent diseases such as diabetes or neurodegenerative diseases. It's hard to imagine that just one small molecule can do all this. It almost sounds like science is telling the world. Actually it's the other way around. This tiny substance tries to reach for the stars in the sky – for our health.

In the following we summarize the different ways of taking carnosine. If new findings emerge here, we will of course keep the article updated. If you don't yet know what carnosine is and how it works in the body, then just stop here and find the answer in the 'What is carnosine?' article.

Absorption of carnosine

The biggest hurdle in absorbing molecules through food is the liver - our detoxification organ. A large proportion of all substances are broken down by the liver before the substances reach the rest of the body. This effect is called the first-pass effect and plays an important role in absorption paths.

Carnosine is now a dipeptide, i.e. a small protein consisting of two amino acids. The name of the molecule is derived from the Latin “carne”, meaning “meat”, and refers to the predominantly animal origin of carnosine. Accordingly, the molecule can be particularly easily absorbed and used by the body.

Water soluble or fat soluble?

Same as our Betaine (TMG) carnosine is water soluble. This means that you don't necessarily have to take it with a meal. The excess carnosine is easily excreted in the body via the kidneys. The most sensible and effective option is to add the powder to a glass of water or a sports/morning shake and then drink it. Let's now briefly look at this way of using carnosine.

The Glass Method

This is the classic way to take dietary supplements. To do this we need a small glass of water with around 150 ml content. We add the appropriate amount of carnosine to this and wait until it has dissolved. You can speed up the process a little with a little stirring. Then put it in your mouth and swallow. The taste is slightly sweet, but by no means unpleasant - rather tasteless. Carnosine will do the rest for you!

How much carnosine to take?

Almost the most important and most frequently asked question is about the right dose. Studies have shown that 1 gram per day is safe. But before we ask “how much”, the “of what” should first be clarified.

The majority of carnosine sold today is available in powder form . We at MoleQlar offer carnosine of the highest quality. MoleQlar Carnosine is harmless because the molecule is naturally obtained and is not of animal origin. This makes the product vegan and vegetarian friendly.

At the end the most important things are summarized again:

  • MoleQlar Carnosine
  • 1 gram
  • In the morning or before exercise
  • In a glass of water (approx. 150 ml) mix
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