Moleküle als Werkzeuge von Organismen, Effekte jenseits der Vorstellungskraft, Wissenschaft als Brücke zur Biochemie und Biologie des Alterns... Im Bereich Supplements findest du alle Artikel rund um die Inhaltsstoffe der MOLEQLAR Produkte.
What is QNIGHT?
Sleep is an elementary part of our lives. We spend about a third of our entire time on this earth...
What is QBIOTIC?
The intestinal flora as the key to health? Many people have probably heard of microbiome The billions of bacteria, fungi...
What is hyaluronic acid (hyaluronic acid)?
Many people are familiar with hyaluronic acid from plastic surgery, where the substance has long been used as a “wrinkle...
What is collagen?
Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in our bodyIt makes up a large part of our connective tissue,...
What is Magnesium?
magnesium – perhaps you know it as a white powder when climbing or as a brightly burning element in chemistry...
What is MoleQlar ONE (Daily Longevity Complex)?
The ONE – the daily Longevity Complex from MoleQlar – was developed in collaboration with many experts. The formula contains...
What is regeNAD (NAD Regenerating Complex)?
NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is one of the most popular molecules in longevity research. This is no coincidence, as it...
What is spermidine?
Spermidine is a biogenic amine in chemistry. The micronutrient is a beacon of hope for longevity research. For us, spermidine...
What is Resveratrol?
Resveratrol is a antioxidant molecule, which belongs to the group of secondary plant substances and there to the polyphenols In...