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What is regeNAD (NAD Regenerating Complex)?
Magazin Moleküle

What is regeNAD (NAD Regenerating Complex)?

NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is one of the most popular molecules in longevity research. This is no coincidence, as it has been proven many times that our NAD levels drop sharply with ageAt the same time, studies show that increasing NAD levels is associated with numerous positive effects on various aspects of our health. For longevity researchers such as David Sinclair or Mark Hyman NAD is the answer to key questions about aging. But how can we maintain our NAD levels and what role can regeNAD from MoleQlar play in this?

One way is to supplement precursor molecules and the other is to slow down the degradation. A third option is to support the NAD-producing enzymes. regeNAD from MOLEQLAR combines all three possibilitiesThe composition of the NAD Regenerating Complex is based on the latest scientific findings and well-researched molecular pathways.

NAD – why you want to keep your levels high as you age

Higher levels of NAD have produced impressive results in animal studies. On average, the animals studied not only lived significantly longer (between 10 and 20% depending on the study), but were also significantly fitter. Her insulin sensitivity and their memory performance was significantly better than in the control groups. The first studies on humans are also showing good results and many more clinical studies are underway. To help you better understand the biochemical background, we will briefly show you the most important points as an overview.

NAD+ plays a role in numerous processes in our organism.

NAD metabolism – a brief overview

NAD metabolism is extremely complex and many molecules and enzymes play a role. Here is a brief summary of the most important points:

  • NAD is constantly built up and broken down in our body
  • There are three wayshow our body can produce NAD:
    • Preiss-Handler pathway (niacin)
    • Recycling Path (NMN, NR, Nam)
    • de novo pathway (tryptophan)
  • The rate-limiting step (“bottleneck”) for the production of NAD is enabled by an enzyme called NAMPT – NMNAT is also very important
  • As we age, the amount of NAD in our body decreases.
  • The reasons for this are as follows:
    • The production is decreasing (fewer precursors, fewer enzymes)
    • The degradation or consumption increasesThis happens through various enzymes that become active as we age. One of them is called CD38.
  • Higher inflammation levels increase CD38 activity and thereby lower NAD
  • Researchers have found in numerous animal studies as well as in human trials that high NAD levels are associated with improved health in old age

For more background information, you can always visit our detailed articlesl on the NAD-Metabolism reading.

NAD can be produced in our body in three different ways. The most important way is the recycling pathway, which in the last step leads via NMN.

Boosting NAD – why precursors are not enough

High NAD levels seem to be a promising way to increase vitality in old age. The first logical step would be to use the finished molecule. This quickly proved to be not particularly effectiveNAD (whether intravenous or oral) is “too big” and cannot be directly absorbed by our cells.

Let’s take another look at NAD metabolism. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is known to be produced in three different ways. All three decline with age, so we'll look at how we can strengthen each pathway.

On the "de novo pathway“ our body can, on the basis of various precursors, produce new NADThe only question that remains is which precursor? This question has not yet been fully answered. There are some human studies on NR (nicotinamide riboside) as a supplement. However, the results are mixed, as not all people experienced an increase in NAD, but rather some degradation products were increased. Another possibility is to provide more "material" for synthesis. Our body uses the amino acid L-tryptophan as the basis for the synthesis of new NADIf we increase the supply of this amino acid, we can support the “de novo pathway”.

Nicotinamide and nicotinic acid are two very similarly structured molecules. They only differ in one chemical group. Nicotinic acid, also abbreviated NA, contains a carboxyl group (COOH), while nicotinamide has a nitrogen-containing amide group. Both are derivatives of vitamin B3, also called niacinAlthough very similar in structure, the two molecules are metabolized slightly differently. Nicotinic acid is the starting material for the Preiss-Handler pathway. Here, NA is converted into NMN via the enzyme NAPRT.

nicotinamide can also be converted as a precursor to NMN. Interestingly, the molecule produced can be converted back to NAD not only via the "de novo pathway" but also via the "salvage pathway", which is the most active of the three pathways. Thus, we can strengthen all three paths.

regeNAD – a power bundle with more than one approach

Human studies have shown that the administration of precursors alone is not always sufficient to increase the NAD level in the organism. Not only does the synthesis of NAD and recycling decrease, but the degradation due to the inflammation-related increase in CD38 also increases. For this reason, we need more than one approach to increase NAD levels in your body.

According to the law of the minimum by the German chemist Justus von Liebig, growth is limited by the resource that is relatively scarce. Some of you may still be familiar with the wine barrel with wooden slats of different heights. The lowest slat determines the height of the water level. It works in a similar way in our bodies. We need all resources in sufficient quantities to maintain NAD metabolism. Here you can find support regeNAD not only with several precursors, it also offers you an additional advantage with vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is used as a coenzyme for the conversion of NMN to NAD.

How can you actually measure NAD levels? Almost certainly not (yet) at the GP. Since this is not a routine measurement in medical practice, we have developed an at-home test kit for your NAD level together with the University of Vilnius.

Find out where you stand and find out which method will help you maintain and increase your NAD levels.

MoleQlar's simple dry blood test shows you where you stand in terms of your NAD levels.

NAD precursors: More material for your cells

regeNAD provides you with various precursors of NAD and the important co-factor vitamin B6. The amino acid L-tryptophan is the starting point of the “de novo synthesis” of NAD. The vitamin B3 derivatives nicotinic acid and nicotinamide can also be converted to NAD via various pathways. This way you activate not only the "de novo pathway" but also the "price handler pathway" and the "salvage pathway."

But that’s not all that regeNAD has to offer.

Nice side effect of vitamin B3 in studies: The ApoB Levels decrease and HDL increases. This gives you the chance to support your vascular health at the same time.

Parsley is particularly rich in the secondary plant substance apigenin, which also plays a role in NAD metabolism.

Degradation inhibition: Less CD38 increases your NAD levels

A varied diet, rich in vegetables and legumes, is the basis for a healthy life. The importance of a plant-based diet has been scientifically confirmed time and time again. One of the main reasons for the health-promoting effects of this diet are the secondary plant substances it contains. apigenin and luteolin of interest.


apigenin belongs to the family of flavonoids and occurs naturally in plants such as parsley and chamomile. In animal studies, the administration of apigenin increased NAD levels by about 50%The mechanism is the inhibition of CD38. In addition, the molecule has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. This effect is mediated by a reduction of inflammatory substances such as interleukin-6 (IL-6). It also supports various enzymes for glutathione metabolism and appears to have positive effects on vascular diseases and diabetes mellitus.


Another plant-based flavonoid is luteolin. It is found mainly in carrots, olive oil, thyme and rosemary. In high concentrations It has been shown that luteolin can support the recycling of NAD (salvage pathway). This is the most important source of NAD in our body. Luteolin works by stimulating the key enzyme, NAMPT, which converts NAM into NMN. Key enzyme here means that the speed of the entire reaction depends on this enzyme. Thus Luteolin can boost NAD metabolism.

In addition to its role in NAD metabolism, luteolin also affects other areas of our body. Similar to apigenin, luteolin has anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects. Even more exciting for research is the interaction between luteolin and the “longevity genes”, also called sirtuinsIn addition to the activation of SIRT1, some research groups are investigating the role of luteolin on SIRT6. Luteolin binds to SIRT6 and increases the activity of the enzyme by twofoldThis stimulates DNA repair mechanisms, leading to healthier cells.

Did you know? Another molecule that can support inflammatory processes, glutathione metabolism and healthier mitochondria is GlyNACAccording to a large-scale human study conducted by Bayor College of Medicine, regular intake of GlyNAC led to a measurable strengthening the mitochondria lead.




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