The Longevity Guide

Longevity means living longer and healthily

Maintaining health can be quite overwhelming - especially when it comes to choosing the right longevity supplements. Which products are right for my body and my personal needs? Where should I start?

To make the decision-making process easier, we have created the four MoleQlar cell qualities . They put all MoleQlar products into a larger context. Whether you want to improve your structure or boost your energy levels - in this Longevity Guide you will find out which supplements are suitable for what !

MOLEQLAR® Cell Qualities


Spatial integrity

The cell is not unlike a house - quite the opposite. There are different rooms or compartments everywhere. The kitchen, living room and bathroom are the mitochondrion, cell nucleus and lysosome in the cell.

It is essential for the cell that the individual units are and remain separated from one another . This is the only way they can carry out their respective tasks undisturbed. After all, you don't shower in your living room. But intact barriers also play a role on a larger level.

One organ with a breathtaking range of functions is our skin. From the sense of touch to temperature regulation and defense against pathogens - our largest organ is extremely versatile. Collagen, elastin and other fibers in the skin ensure great resilience while also providing the necessary elasticity. A balancing act that our skin masters brilliantly.

Over time, however, more and more proteins fold incorrectly, our stem cells become less efficient and the garbage collection system has also seen its glory days . A superficial injury here, a bruise there and then all the new wrinkles - all of these are signs that the structure is suffering. But you only have to leave it like that to a certain extent. Houses can be renovated - and so can the body . Renovated houses are not new, but they look better, have more efficient technology and are ultimately inhabitable for longer than those without intervention.

Maintaining homeostasis

Our body is being pushed to its limits every second. Blood sugar levels must be in step with energy needs, electrolytes must be distributed so that cells do not burst, and blood flow must adapt to the current load. The big concept behind all of these processes is what we call homeostasis .

It is about maintaining a stable environment in the body . Whether it is sport, infection, stress, sleep or food - our organism tends to restore the original balance whenever there is an upward or downward shift. Enzymes and other proteins master the task at the cellular level. The endocrine system uses hormones to regulate larger cell groups and even entire organs (e.g. pancreas, ovaries, thyroid).

The nervous system also contains the control box for things like body temperature, stress response, and breathing. When the body is out of balance, the consequences are all too noticeable: diabetes, arteriosclerosis, dysbiosis, and faster biological aging . But each and every one of us can throw a few more or less heavy weights into the balance so that balance does not remain the exception to the rule.

Response to stress

Inflammaging refers to the now widely known " inflammatory aging " - a process in which the immune system maintains a chronic inflammatory response over time . This silent, continuous inflammation suddenly becomes very loud when the arteriosclerosis it promotes leads to a heart attack or toes fall victim to diabetic changes.

That's the crux of the matter - we don't notice any inflammaging because the changes are of a molecular nature . That's why it's so important to take preventive measures here, with antioxidants that neutralize the "radical" causes of inflammation either directly or indirectly (via transcription factors such as Nrf2).

If this does not work, DNA is destroyed, the immune system is weakened, fat metabolism is disrupted and the door is opened to cellular senescence. In short, a small fire is ignited everywhere, which develops into a real wildfire over many years . However, it is in our hands to send fire engines - the sooner the better.

Cellular energy

Nothing works in our body without our fantastic miniature power plants, the mitochondria. The more energy a cell uses, the more mitochondria it normally has. A heart muscle cell has around 5,000 of these energy machines on board. Nerve cells, liver cells and sensory cells are also well equipped. However, it is very unfortunate that mitochondria begin to show signs of fatigue in people as young as 25 .

The performance of our small power plants is measured in the amount of micro batteries produced, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) . Weighed in kilograms, the mitochondria produce about as much ATP as we weigh every day in order to keep all life and metabolic processes running.

At rest, mind you. When we exercise, it increases significantly. Unfortunately, this gigantic energy supply system tends to weaken quite quickly - with devastating consequences for our fitness and ability to regenerate.

All in one?

We understand that not everyone wants to delve as deeply into longevity research as we do. That's exactly why we developed the ONE. The product for those who like it simple yet complex.

One sachet. Once a day. Every day.
14 nutrients in ONE .
Longevity has never been so easy .

Essentials - Strengthening the foundation.

Micronutrients ensure that numerous bodily functions run smoothly. Deficiencies often arise gradually and can have numerous negative effects on our organism. The MoleQlar Essentials Bundle contains the micronutrients (vitamin D, magnesium and omega-3) that the body most often lacks.

  • In Europe, an average of 40% of the population is deficient in vitamin D – in Germany, the figure is as high as 56% ( R ).
  • Less than 20% of the population consumes sufficient omega-3 fatty acids ( R ).
  • The majority of the population has an increased risk of magnesium deficiency ( R ).