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Alles rund um Longevity im MOLEQLAR Magazin
Artikel zu brandneuen wissenschaftlichen Entdeckungen, praxisnahe Longevity-Tipps und viele Informationen rund um die Inhaltsstoffe in unseren Produkten - all das findest du in unserem Magazin.
The intestinal brain axis: an insight into the bidirectional communication of the human body
The interactions between the gut and the brain, also known as the gut-brain axis, represent a very interesting area of...
Longevity: Blue Zones, statistics & life expectancy in comparison
There are not only large differences in life expectancy globally - the data on the topic also differs regionally Longevity...
Fasting: A scientific look at advantages and backgrounds
Guest article by our nutrition expert Dr. Dorothea Portius Fasting is one of the oldest therapeutic methods and has a...