Hallmarks of Aging
Welche nicht sichtbaren Veränderungen passieren im Körper, wenn wir älter werden? Was sind die Gründe für Falten, grauen Star oder Bluthochdruck? Wir schauen uns in der Serie „Hallmarks of Aging“ die zwölf molekularen Kennzeichen des Alterns an: molekular, tiefgründig, verständlich.
3. Hallmark of Aging: Epigenetic changes
Epigenetics is one of the most exciting fields of research. While it used to be thought that everything was in...
2. Hallmark of Aging: Telomere attrition
Maybe you heard about telomeres in biology class? They are like the protective caps on shoelaces and help the DNA...
1. Hallmark of Aging: Genomic Instability
The genome is a term that, in simple terms, denotes the entirety of an individual's heritable information . This...
The Hallmarks of Aging – an overview
The idea of aging ranges from wrinkled skin, declining performance and hair loss to forgetfulness. So it is a very...