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The Hallmarks of Aging – an overview
Longevity Magazin

The Hallmarks of Aging – an overview

The idea of ​​aging ranges from wrinkled skin, declining performance and hair loss to forgetfulness. So it is a very broadly defined term. This is hardly surprising when you consider how differently the process manifests itself in people. However, all of the processes described are merely the final state of a series of reactions and circumstances in our body.

In order to better understand the molecular processes, Researchers around the world are trying to decipher the processes that are behind our wrinkles and our increasingly poor performance as we get older.

In this respect, science is a kind of construct that is not satisfied with the status quo, but constantly strives to gain new knowledge. This approach often results in the following opinion:

“If you understand how something works, then you can try to change it.“

This is no different in the longevity area. A group led by the researcher Carlos López-Otín has described nine hallmarks of aging in a highly acclaimed paper. These nine Hallmarks were expanded to twelve by three more in 2023. Here we give you an overview of all 12 Hallmarks and go into more detail in the individual articles.

Did you know? The 12 Hallmarks of Aging describe how our bodies age on a molecular level. But we are not powerless in the face of this. Through recent research, scientists were able to uncover why, for example, fasting and exercise has a positive effect on the Hallmarks of Aging. From all of these findings and dozens of scientific studies, we have developed the ONE (Daily Longevity Complex) for you. 13 carefully selected ingredients that cover all the Hallmarks of Aging.

MoleQlar ONE combines 13 qualified longevity molecules and a harmonious taste of lemon. Together, the ingredients cover all the molecular hallmarks of aging together.

1. Genomic instability

The DNA is similar to a blueprint for our body - If certain pages are missing, the whole book or the whole plan sometimes makes no sense. Such changes can be better repaired by the body at a young age than in later stages of life. In addition, with age there is an increased susceptibility to errors.

2. Telomere abrasion

The DNA is not a single large book per se, but the genetic information is divided into 23 smaller books (chromosomes). Every single cell is equipped with this small library (genome). The last chapter of this “booklet” is special and is called Telomere . There is no longer any information encoded here, but rather the telomeres act as protection for the DNA from being broken down. Telomeres naturally become shorter with each cell division. As soon as a certain threshold (Hayflick limit) is reached, cell function stops.

3. Epigenetic changes

Epigenetics attempts to explain which factors temporarily determine the activity of a gene and, as a result, the development of the cell. However, these factors are not based on possible changes in the genetic information (example: mutations), but on different small proteins that can bind to the DNA. As a result, the binding can (more or less) influence the activity of one or more genes. In addition, epigenetics is involved in the development or Differentiation of cells involved.

4. Loss of proteostasis

Proteostasis is made up of the two terms Proteome (totality of proteins that can be produced in the body) and Homeostasis (equilibrium). If something goes wrong in the regulation of proteins, individual proteins may no longer appear at all or may sometimes appear in excess. This in turn influences the functionality of the cells. The process mentioned plays a role in well-known diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's.

5. Deregulated nutrient measurement

With this indicator, the reaction of the body to food intake is relevant. Its regulation occurs in interaction with growth hormone and other hormones. Among other things, calorie restriction and fasting are important here. We also look at autophagy and special longevity genes: the Sirtuins, which also Dr. David Sinclair has done a lot of research.

6. Mitochondrial dysfunction & mitohormesis

As cells and organisms age, the effectiveness of energy provision in our cell power plants – the mitochondria – tends to decrease. This finding is based on two mechanisms. On the one hand, electrons are lost and on the other hand ATP production is reduced. ATP is the most important energy carrier in our body. In this context we also get to know the term mitohormesis.

7. Cellular senescence

Cellular senescence describes the state of an arrested cell cycle. This means that the cell reduces its functionality and can no longer divide. This standstill is often triggered by DNA changes. In a way, this is a protective mechanism. This protective mechanism is well-intentioned, but sometimes poorly done, especially in old age. In connection with senescence, senolytics are often discussed.

8. Stem cell depletion

As we age, the ability of our stem cells to divide decreases – they become “exhausted”. As a result, broken or damaged cells can no longer be renewed. This ultimately leads to the most diverse types of tissue no longer being able to regenerate adequately. can recover.

9. Altered intercellular communication

This characteristic looks beyond the cell autonomous level. Aging also involves changes in how cells communicate with each other. An increasing inflammatory response and decreasing immune surveillance are exemplary consequences of this factor, sometimes with drastic effects on physiological aging.

10. Inflammaging

Chronic Inflammation is one of the signs of aging, or inflammation levels increase with age, which is summarized under the acronym “inflammaging”. The reasons are diverse and range from vascular deposits (arteriosclerosis), neuroinflammation or pro-inflammatory signals from the visceral fatty tissue. This can be measured using inflammatory parameters such as CRP or interleukin-6 (IL-6). IL-6 in particular is considered a marker for increased mortality if the values ​​are chronically high. Inflammaging is closely linked to the other Hallmarks and the boundaries are often fluid.

11. Dysbiosis

We don't live alone - There are billions of bacteria in our intestines with which we enter into a symbiosis. This balance is not only shifted in some illnesses, but also no longer seems to be aligned to our advantage as we get older. The symbiosis becomes a dysbiosis in our microbiome.

12. Altered (macro) autophagy

If the “garbage collection” goes on strike in old age, this is referred to as altered (macro) autophagy. Large amounts of cell waste accumulate in our body every day, which is autophaged and disposed of by specialized helpers. These can be proteins, nutrients, but also entire cell organelles such as mitochondria. As we get older, this autophagy no longer functions properly - with far-reaching consequences for our health.

At first glance, this all sounds very scientific, opaque and difficult to understand - don't let that put you off! We will now take a closer look at each of the Hallmarks of Aging individually in a series of articles with the aim of understanding and understanding the basics of getting older.

The excursion into the deeper cell biology of aging is full of surprises. We'll show you why there are “zombie cells” in your body and what they have to do with aging. Or you will learn how your cells dispose of their waste and why this no longer works so well as you age. So don't worry, we've made the somewhat dry theory clear and exciting for you. By the end of this series, you will be well informed about what causes aging and how we can (maybe) stop it.



  • López-Otín, C., Blasco, M. A., Partridge, L., Serrano, M., & Kroemer, G. (2013). The hallmarks of aging. Cell153(6), 1194–1217. Link
  • López-Otín, Carlos et al. “Hallmarks of aging: An expanding universe.” Cell vol. 186,2 (2023): 243-278. Link


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