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What are phospholipids?
Magazin Moleküle

What are phospholipids?

Phospholipids are a term mainly used by chemists. They are a special class of lipids (fats). What makes these small molecules special is the fact that they consist of a hydrophilic (“water-loving”) head and a hydrophobic (“water-repellent”) tailThis combination is affectionately referred to by experts as “amphiphil“ From a chemical point of view, the head is composed of a phosphate group and an alcohol group, while long hydrocarbon chains form the two tails.

Apart from the detailed knowledge, each and every one of us has already become acquainted with phospholipids. The molecules are namely contained in many foods, especially in fatty foods such as eggs, dairy products, meat and fish. You will also be in dietary supplements and medicines.

The cells of many living organisms (humans, animals, plants) have made use of this special structure. Specifically, we are talking about the cell membrane, where phospholipids, along with glycolipids and cholesterol, are responsible for the structure. Our bodies are basically in a watery environment. When phospholipids come into contact with this, the hydrophilic heads turn towards the water and the fatty tails turn away from the water. The hydrophobic tails are thus deposited inwards and the characteristic phospholipid bilayer forms.

This is what the phospholipid bilayer of many biomembranes looks like schematically. The structure of a phospholipid is shown at the bottom left with the hydrophilic head and the hydrophobic tail.

What functions do phospholipids have in the cell?

First and foremost, phospholipids form the basis for cell membranes and thus maintain the structure of the cells. They also fulfill a very important selective barrier function, which separates the inside of the cell from the outside and prevents unwanted substances from entering. At the same time, the phospholipid bilayer in the cell membrane allows the import and export of necessary molecules and ions. The molecules also have competencies beyond security tasks.

They serve as precursor molecules for signaling molecules such as inositol trisphosphate and diacylglycerol. They therefore play an essential role in signal transmission. In adipose tissue, phospholipids can even act as energy storage serve.

Where are phospholipids used?

The special chemical properties make the small molecules a very sought-after component. Whether in the food industry, medicine, cosmetics or biotechnology – Phospholipids have their fingers in everything.

In the food industry They are often used as emulsifiers to mix and stabilize water and oil components in foods. This is necessary, for example, in the production of margarine, chocolate, ice cream, baked goods and many other foods.

Out of medical point of view Phospholipids are relevant as components of dietary supplements or medicinal products.This refers to liposomal mixtures, which improve the effectiveness and bioavailability of active ingredients. You can see what effect this use can have by looking at the example of Quercesome. MoleQlar’s ​​specially formulated Quercetin-C complex is 20 times more bioavailable than conventional quercetin powderThe key performers are Phospholipids from the sunflower and additionally the clever combination with natural vitamin C – a bio-enhancer of quercetin.

Even with Berbersome is the berberine absorption capacity of the body increased by 10 times through the clever combination with phospholipids!

If they can provide vital substances with easier access to our organism, then this should also work for the skin. This is exactly what the cosmetics industry Phospholipids are used as moisturizers and carriers in skin care products. They can also be found in lipsticks, shampoos and other cosmetic formulations.

Another major application area of ​​phospholipids is Biotechnology and ResearchBoth areas use the molecules as components of liposomes for the targeted release of active ingredients and to improve the stability of cells in cell cultures.

In the cleaning industry, surfactants in detergents and cleaning agents contain phospholipids to reduce surface tension and remove dirt.

The best known phospholipids are Phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol and sphingomyelin.

Japanese pagoda tree as a potent source of quercetin: Quercesome is 20 times more bioavailable than conventional quercetin powder due to phospholipids.

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