Über uns

MOLEQLAR (gespr. Molecular) ist ein wissenschaftsbasiertes
Longevity-Unternehmen und dein Bindeglied zu Innovationen aus dem
Bereich der Gesundheits- und Langlebigkeitsforschung.

The founding team. (from left to right: Dr.med.univ. Clemens Klingler, Max Griessinger, Dr.med.univ. Mario Gietl)

We are living longer and longer - but not healthier in relative terms. There are many reasons for this: poor nutritional status, high sugar consumption, chronic lack of exercise. The current form of medicine allows illnesses to occur by doing too little for prevention and health maintenance .

Your time is now.

MoleQlar wants to enable a longer and, above all, healthier life.

Good and long-term health begins with you . With your willingness to learn more about your body and therefore about yourself. Good health is then about regular information, case-by-case diagnostics and changing bad habits. Ultimately, maintaining health ends with valuable time . Time with your loved ones, time for personal projects and time to achieve goals - at your own pace and not with illness as the pacemaker.

Maintaining health also means maintaining perspective. Because we still have so much to do, no matter how old we are.

Think about the day after tomorrow today.


With the MoleQlar Info Hub and the Beyond Lifespan Podcast, we invite you to learn more about your body and the fundamentals of longevity .


Innovative diagnostic tools give you the opportunity to take snapshots, experience yourself and watch your body at work for a short time.


Certified and laboratory-tested nutritional supplements help you to specifically promote physical functions , compensate for deficiencies and prevent deterioration .


In the medical field, medical professionals are there to support you on your way to a healthier future – knowledgeable and evidence-based .


We are excited about the prospect of a healthier future. A future in which prevention plays a greater role and people value health . And a future in which aging brings with it more time and more opportunities .

The people behind the vision.

Founder & CEO

Max Griessinger

Max is the founder and managing director of MOLEQLAR and is currently in his final semester of studying medicine in Innsbruck. Even before founding the company, he was a passionate biohacker and, in addition to his studies, was interested in the topics of nutrition, self-optimization and health.

“The advances in longevity research ultimately created my vision for MOLEQLAR – with the goal of extending the health and lifespan of as many people as possible.”


Co-Founder & CMO

Dr.med.univ. Mario Gietl, BSc

Mario is a doctor and co-founder of MOLEQLAR. He doesn't want to grow old, but rather stay in good health - for as long as possible. What matured as a personal conviction over the years of learning has become a matter of the heart with MOLEQLAR.

“For me, MOLEQLAR is the ideal tool to motivate people to think about the day after tomorrow today – for the sake of their health.”


Co-Founder & COO

Dr.med.univ. Clemens Klingler

As a doctor and co-founder of MOLEQLAR, Clemens aims to increase people's health awareness. Health should not be valued only when you are sick. We all age every day - there is no question about that. But how we age is in our hands.

“With MOLEQLAR I want to offer an evidence-based tool to promote our well-being .”
