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What is Longevity Hacking?
Longevity Magazin

What is Longevity Hacking?

No matter whether you have been reading our blog for a long time or are completely new to it: in this article we explain fundamentally what so-called longevity hacking actually is and give a general overview of the topic.

What is longevity hacking anyway?

You've probably heard of the word biohacking before. This generally describes influencing the body's biological mechanisms to improve health, performance or quality of life. Longevity hacking is basically based on this - but has an even greater focus on optimizing lifespan. An attempt is also being made here to achieve an optimization of physical functions and thus the health span through certain “longevity hacks”. You can find out exactly what these are in this article.

But first, a few words about longevity hacking in general. The mindset for longevity hacking is fundamentally different than anti-aging. Namely, that with longevity hacking you don't just want to stop the aging process - no, not only that - we even want to reverse it! Studies are now increasingly showing that this is not some crazy dream of the future, but is already possible in the present. Therefore, not only measures are used that counteract aging or slow down this process, but also measures that have a rejuvenating effect. Under the English catchphrase “Rejuvenation” one can find more and more approaches that are aimed at precisely this: reversing the aging process in humans through targeted measures such as:b Stem cell therapies or gene therapies.

There is still neither a pill nor a therapy that can quickly transform an 80-year-old man with all sorts of age-related illnesses into his 30-year-old version full of life energy. But researchers all over the world are working on this goal. What exactly such rejuvenation will look like in the future and when it will be possible remains to be seen. The fact is: More and more money is flowing into this research field. This is how extremely rich people like Amazon founder Jeff Bezos or Blueprint founder Bryan Johnson < invest t12>Millions of dollars in the biotech companies of the longevity future.

Billionaires like Jeff Bezos are investing hundreds of millions of dollars in the search for the holy grail of longevity.

Evidence-based against degradation

It is also certain that we can already implement some longevity hacks that can have a positive impact on our aging process. These are based on clinically proven and data-supported measures in the fight against the aging process. The aging process affects all human body functions and longevity hackers want to protect themselves as best as possible against such age-related diseases. Some of them are:

  • Cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack or stroke
  • Neuropsychiatric diseases such as Alzheimer's or dementia
  • Sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss)
  • Osteoporosis and therefore increased risk of bone fractures
  • Cancer diseases
  • Age-related macular degeneration (AMD for short)

The goal is to keep all body functions healthy. When you're 80 or 90, you want to be able to see just as well as you did when you were younger. You want to maintain or improve your physical fitness in order to be able to move around the world. You want to maintain the mental clarity and cognitive acumen of your younger self even in old age and not be limited in any way.

On the way to the goal, longevity hacking differs significantly from anti-aging. While anti-aging is about superficial or... To combat visible signs of aging, longevity research focuses on the molecular roots of aging. These molecular causes are also referred to as Hallmarks of Aging . As we age, there is more telomere abrasion, the inflammaging describes chronic inflammation in old age or with mitochondria no longer work so well (mitochondrial dysfunction).

Longevity hack no. 1 – Nutrition

We probably have the most everyday influence on our biological systems through our nutrition. What we eat and drink directly affects our bodies. Studies show, for example, that a plant-based diet can protect against certain diseases. A dietary pattern with lots of fruit and vegetables protects, among other things, against the development of certain types of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus. The secondary plant substances in plant foods are primarily responsible for this. These are not found in animal products.

But longevity hackers not only want to live as long as possible, they also want to stay healthy for as long as possible. This is the difference between Lifespan and Healthspan.

We don't want to prolong life and get older - we want to be able to spend the time in as full health as possible. This is the goal of a longevity hacker: to stay healthy for as long as possible.

Longevity hack no. 2 – Supplements

In addition to plant-based nutrition with a wealth of secondary plant substances, there are other strategies. The intake of so-called food supplements is directly related to nutrition.

Many of the so-called Longevity supplements have their origin in nature or in our diet. People have been using plant extracts etc. for thousands of years. for the treatment and relief of illnesses. Especially in the longevity area, many substances have been analyzed in recent years with regard to their life-extending effect. Some examples of these are:

  • Fisetin: e.g.b from strawberries
  • Quercetin: e.g.b made from onions and garlic
  • Resveratrol: e.g.b made from peanuts and red wine
  • Spermidine: e.g.b from wheat germ or soybeans
  • Magnesium: e.g.b from whole grain breads, legumes and nuts

Based on some studies, these substances are offered in isolation as dietary supplements. Diet should definitely be the foundation of a longevity hacker, but in consultation with a doctor, taking selected longevity supplements can contribute to a healthy and long life.

Longevity research also focuses on other substances that do not occur directly in plants, but still intervene in our metabolism. These include Alpha-Ketoglutarate, Vitamin D, long-chain Omega- 3-fatty acids and glucosamine.

For powder fans and capsule lovers - Trans-Resveratrol from MoleQlar is there for everyone.

Longevity hack no. 3 – Exercise and sport

In addition to diet and nutritional supplements, exercise and sport also have a direct influence on our physical systems. Especially here, experts like Peter Attia u.a so-called High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT for short). In addition, a lot of exercise in everyday life is an important part of keeping us healthy and fit. In any case, you should walk around 10,000 steps per day. Studies also show that certain sports such as:b Tennis protect against cardiovascular diseases and obesity as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Some longevity hackers optimize their physical performance by taking Creatine monohydrate. Creatine is an endogenous substance that is formed in the liver and kidneys from several amino acids. The body produces approx. every day. 1-2g creatine. This can be used as an energy substrate, especially during fast and explosive physical activity. This can lead to performance improvements. In addition, maintaining healthy muscle mass as we age is essential for everyone.

Longevity hack no. 4 – Sleep and regeneration

If you have exercised physically, then eaten well and supplied your body with all the important nutrients, it is important to ensure sufficient regeneration . This mainly happens during sleep. It is therefore particularly important to sleep around seven hours a day. Studies show that healthy sleep habits are associated with better health and fewer illnesses in old age.

Just as important as having a good morning routine to start the day, is having a healthy evening routine before bed. Regardless of whether a certain tee, the turning off the cell phone at a certain time or the use of essential oils such as lavender oil: an evening routine can help to optimally prepare you for sleep and consequently your body regenerate.

Longevity hack no. 5 – Other longevity therapies

In addition to the longevity hacks mentioned, there are a variety of longevity therapies that aim to extend life and increase health. These include, among other things, many applications from the biotech scene:

  • Intravenous NAD+ injections
  • Stem cell therapy
  • Oxygen therapy
  • Cryotherapy
  • Gene therapies
  • Certain medications 

In addition, it is always advisable to avoid high amounts of alcohol and tobacco consumption, as these are both main risk factors for the development of numerous diseases.


A healthy and balanced lifestyle is the foundation of every longevity hacker. In addition, after a detailed needs analysis, it makes sense to take certain substances if necessary in consultation with a doctor. These include dietary supplements such as Vitamin D, long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, but also more specific longevity supplements such as AKG, Glucosamine and co.



  • Kim H, Caulfield LE, Rebholz CM. Healthy Plant-Based Diets Are Associated with Lower Risk of All-Cause Mortality in US Adults. J Nutr. 2018 Apr 1;148(4):624-631. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxy019. PMID: 29659968; PMCID: PMC6669955.
  • Spring KE, Holmes ME, Smith JW. Long-term Tennis Participation and Health Outcomes: An Investigation of „Lifetime“ Activities. Int J Exerc Sci. 2020 Sep 1;13(7):1251-1261. PMID: 33042385; PMCID: PMC7523898.
  • Kreider RB, Stout JR. Creatine in Health and Disease. Nutrients. 2021 Jan 29;13(2):447. doi: 10.3390/nu13020447. PMID: 33572884; PMCID: PMC7910963.
  • Stenholm S, Head J, Kivimäki M, Magnusson Hanson LL, Pentti J, Rod NH, Clark AJ, Oksanen T, Westerlund H, Vahtera J. Sleep Duration and Sleep Disturbances as Predictors of Healthy and Chronic Disease-Free Life Expectancy Between Ages 50 and 75: A Pooled Analysis of Three Cohorts. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2019 Jan 16;74(2):204-210. doi: 10.1093/gerona/gly016. PMID: 29415200.


The images were acquired under license from Canva.

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